Monday 1 December 2014

Dissertation Proposal Hand-In

 Today, I have handed-in my Dissertation Proposal. Below I present extracts from the document, mainly pertaining aims, objectives and tasks of the project. I also present a timeline of the project.

Proposal Topic:

    The fundamental principles and aesthetics of cinematic sound design in film.

Project Aim:

Even though many filmmakers claim that sound is as important as the picture, the topic of aesthetics of film sound is still not adequately documented and there is a large absence of books on cinematic sound design. Similarly, the few great books on the subject available are decades old now and feature reference to obscure films that, although work great as supporting examples, for a modern reader and sound professional can be hard to identify with. This project aims to explore the existing theories, concepts and aesthetics on cinematic sound design and create a set of outline principles about how sound works in film and reference them with examples from modern cinema. The developed analytical framework will be used to analyse scenes from films to demonstrate key concepts in film sound design. A practical framework on creating cinematic sound design in film will be created that could work as a tool for sound professionals interested in gaining more insight into the subject. Because sound can actively influence how we interpret the image, by redesigning sound in a film sequence we can demonstrate a deeper meaning about the way sound is used in film.

Project Objectives:

  1.     Identify and review the existing literature on key principles and aesthetics of film sound design. Find suitable examples of film soundtracks in modern cinematography that could serve as examples to demonstrate the key sound design theories.
  2.     Analyse and review the sound theories found in books and create and develop a framework for analysis of sound design in film. Using selected examples of modern film soundtracks analyse the sound design in chosen scenes.
  3.     Devise a framework on how sound works in film based on previous research. Using the developed practical framework redesign the sound in chosen film sequences to show how sound affects the way we interpret visuals and use the created soundtracks as well as the original clips as supporting evidence.
  4.     Analyse and evaluate the created soundtracks and reflect on the results. This will involve a selection of qualitative methods, self-reflection etc.
  5.     Document the findings and outcomes at every stage of the dissertation which would form the basis for the dissertation, the blog etc. Demonstrate the outcomes of the project at film screenings, end-of-year showcase etc.

Project Tasks:

1.1.    Select appropriate literature.
1.2.    Perform a literature review.
1.3.    Research film sound theories, principles and aesthetics.
1.4.    Identify films that could be used as supporting examples based on certain criteria, e.g. Oscar-nominated, favourable reviews etc.

2.1.    Research film sound analysis methods
2.2.    Develop an analytical framework for analysing film sound.
2.3.    Analyse chosen clips from films using the developed framework.

3.1.    Develop a practical framework for film sound practice.
3.2.    Select films to redesign sound.
3.3.    Redesign sound in selected film sequences using the practical framework.

4.1.    Perform a self-analysis on the created clips.
4.2.    Conduct a qualitative evaluation of the created movie clips and the developed practical framework.
4.3.    Summarise the evaluation

5.1.    Write the dissertation.
5.2.    Write the blog.
5.3.    Present the current state of the project at progress meetings.
5.4.    Prepare and demonstrate the outcomes of the dissertation at the end-of-year showcase.

Project Timeline:


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